Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Back....^^

Really a busy 2nd yr life
now only finish all, ve my own time to update my blog^^

Flash back to wat i ve done...
ptum, acd, sukmum, mpp...
after all effort i put, but ppl can jus forget it cos my careless in others
althought tat's bit hurt for me, but i noe tat's common
ppl re not the one who always trust u, they re not ready to accept ur reason
but family re, they re always wif me

I think i need to plan my free time now again...
study, exchange programme, piano, swimming n FAMILY
It's time for me to study
find exchange programme
learn piano swimming training
of course need care more family, maybe it's time to go find a job
spend my time n effort on wat more valuable
at least to those ppl who appreciate

Dun take anything as granted
ppl re not always back up for me, even they promise before
thus, must jiayou... be independent, be strong...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Rest In Peace, Grandma... Miss you...

一个不平静的心 一个不一样的夜

萦绕在耳边的是她的声音 我们的慰问声
“mau kencing...” “xin ko...” “阿嫲,起来咯,起来小便咯…”“我的手要断了…”

都只会喊‘阿嫲’ 都听不懂她说什么 当时都只是顾着玩
只知道她每回都会煮丰富的给我们 都会切水果给我们吃
每回在要回家之前都会抱抱 都会给我们红包
每次每次 都会站在那里跟我们挥挥手 “有空再来呀…要乖乖读书呀…”

久而久之 被取代的是
每餐都给我们些许的钱 叫我们自己解决三餐
她嘴里不停重复着 叫我们吃饭 叫我们关灯关门…………
可不变的是 招牌式的挥手动作 还有“有空再来呀…要乖乖读书呀…”

每回的行动 都需要我们的搀扶
每回的休克状态 气喘吁吁的情况 昏睡好几天的疲态 精神奕奕的自言自语


阿嫲 一路走好
想念您 合掌

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010


quite sweet...not bad...^^